Sunday, November 13, 2011

What gearbox do i need to convert my automatic Peugeot into a manual?

Hi all, i recently brought a 1995 1.6 Peugeot 205 Automatic and was hoping to replace the automatic gearbox with a manual one but i'm not entirely sure which gearbox i need and whether or not i shall have to change the engine??

Thanks Guys

Aaron|||Whoa children..I am still driving a 1990 205 and just passed the MOT yesterday (the Belgian version of the MOT)

LOOK at all the "thumbs up" here for people that recommend spending even MORE money than necessary....your money. (for another car)

Your 1995 Peugeot 205 has a XU engine. And these MANUAL gearboxes are called the BE 1 and the BE 3. but you should hunt for the newer, improved BE3 This same gearbox can be found on older 405 models too.. This will fit on your 205 when you remove the ZF4 HP 14 automatic transmission, sump, fluid cooler, etc.

If you get a BE3 that is second hand, from a wrecked car, I don't think it would be expensive at all. Here in Belgium I can buy a complete car for 200 Euro. (wrecked). but the gearbox is fine.

These gearboxes can be removed from the car in the driveway with common hand tools. Don't let "armchair mechanics" discourage you from swapping gearboxes yourself. You will also need the gearshift, linkage, clutch pedal and linkage, clutch cable. (Buy a NEW cable, not used)

If you are happy with your current 205, and know it's history, then KEEP IT. don't start off with a different car with new problems.

Of course you will want to replace the clutch at the same time.

It will be a learning lesson if you take all those things off the old car yourself. AND if you have a manual 205 car that you can look at 57 times while doing the conversion job.

ALL it takes is time, common hand tools, and a similar car to copy as you work. If you need info on how to tell a BE3 from a BE1, just this letter is getting pretty long.|||I would cost you more than a 14 year old 205 is worth. Technically, that makes it a write off (repairs cost more than value).

As someone else said, it'll be cheaper (and considerably easier and more reliable) to sell the car and buy a manual.|||Thats a fairly big job mate! It will certainly cost you more than the car is worth so punt the auto and buy a manual.|||Why would you want to do this? Automatic transmissions are easier and safer to drive.|||Too much work: It would be cheaper to sell it %26amp; buy a manual 205.

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